
Comments left for [No sex robots - they're degrading to women.] ...

Link Posted: 2018-03-21 08:49:35

Date_Posted: 2018-03-22 17:02:32

better to have sex robots, even child-sized ones because it would keep them away from actual kids...unless they have a kidnap fetish. in that case, good luck kiddos! also, i've seen women that were as small as actual children, so these idiots saying to get rid of it are actual tards. and if someone thinks about anything sexually that's their human right, regardless of what it is. i'm a sex rights advocate and that includes the freedom to think sexually whatever that may entail. there's no thought police but the sjw's are really trying.


Date_Posted: 2018-03-22 17:16:53

The ugly ones are worried about competition from things that aren't even alive.

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