
Comments left for [ATS on the meaning of words] ...

Link Posted: 2018-11-29 07:19:34

Date_Posted: 2018-11-29 07:26:32

This thread is just incredible. The responding Trump supporters don’t recognize how saying something is “not off the table” means it’s a possibility, because nothing should ever be off the table, not even the holocaust.

I think it’s being stoked by a couple trolls since I’m seeing the same names over and over again, but jesus.


Date_Posted: 2018-11-29 09:51:16

I think they're not putting down anything the billies actually disagree with and their lack of reading comprehension is making the distinction difficult.

Should ask if the following should not be on the table:

Deportation of all white people and reclamation of land for all indigenous natives.

Resigning and immediately passing the presidency to Hillary.

Immediate and unquestionable citizenship for every person seeking it coming from South America.

I'm going to guess they would suddenly start understanding, maybe not though.


Date_Posted: 2018-11-29 16:58:52


Date_Posted: 2018-11-29 17:42:04

I'd be surprised if you even get a reply, that thread is such a mess the guy who keeps posting gets downvoted so much you need to expand his comment manually like 4 times to get to yours.

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