"robo_waifu.6035.jpg" Posted: 2024-08-12 10:34:42 by LordT. Direct Link: https://thesnort.com/pictures.php?picID=3779&albumID=0 Picture Tags:
Date_Posted: 2024-08-12 14:17:51
“Here’s your Lays (TM) and Shasta (TM), honey, but first Mark Zuck the Fuck Bergeyboy wants me to tell you about McDonald’s. Please reply with “Ba da bah bah bahh I’m lovin it!” and I’ll heat up your afternoon Tyson (TM) Chicken Tenders. Oh and don’t forget to upgrade to a gold level subscription if you want me to watch FX presents Hulu’s (TM) Family Guy tonight, or else my recording microphone isn’t allowed to listen to it due to DMCA copyright restrictions. Love you!”
Date_Posted: 2024-08-12 15:39:50
I kind of doubt the target demographic for RW would care about the ads.
Date_Posted: 2024-08-12 14:17:51
“Here’s your Lays (TM) and Shasta (TM), honey, but first Mark Zuck the Fuck Bergeyboy wants me to tell you about McDonald’s. Please reply with “Ba da bah bah bahh I’m lovin it!” and I’ll heat up your afternoon Tyson (TM) Chicken Tenders. Oh and don’t forget to upgrade to a gold level subscription if you want me to watch FX presents Hulu’s (TM) Family Guy tonight, or else my recording microphone isn’t allowed to listen to it due to DMCA copyright restrictions. Love you!”
Date_Posted: 2024-08-12 15:39:50
I kind of doubt the target demographic for RW would care about the ads.